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One of the most wondered about questions inside of fitness has everything to do with.
Eating before you work out.
What should I eat before I workout?
Lots of people will ask me what to eat before they worked out and watched through eat after they worked out, which is best when to do either.
I’ve been hearing and been part of this debate for well over 18 years. But if you take a look at actual nutrition, science and, and habits, you realize that there is no debate.
You just want to make sure that you fuel your workout.
Let’s take a look right now before we do at how we can get some fuel for our workout.
Of course, the quickest and easiest way to do that is to take pre-workout.
Pre-workout supplements are a type of nutrition, engineering and supplement that’s efficient, easy, and provides the necessary nutrients and sometimes vitamins for us to sustain throughout a minimum 30 minute workout every time out.
So today we’re going to take a look at some of the most popular pre-workouts.
When we do this, noticing all these great pre-workouts on the market, we start to notice a very, very clear trend or trend, which makes it seem like the pre-workouts are high class engineering, but really only provide a ton of caffeine.
Whether this huge amount of caffeine is there to make you feel like you’re getting an effect from the pre-workout or it is simply the secret sauce behind the actual effectiveness of the pre-workout is pretty much the only debate you can have because most of these pre-workouts are loaded with caffeine.
With my experience, I can say that’s probably the biggest factor in their effectiveness.
Caffeine is in fact, a powerful drug and supplement.
Also a lot of your pre-workouts are going to come with differing types of, um, engineered molecules and compounds, which help you through a workout.
Some have vitamins and others have different amino acids if pre-workout was super necessary.
Well, we would see that most pre-workouts would have the same amino acids, the same macro nutrients and the same caloric content in each of them.
But we don’t find that instead, most of these things are very different after we figured that out, we can say, okay, if you’re going to take pre-workout, which I don’t recommend, unless you’re in competition, you should take the following.
But for the 90 plus percent of us, I’m going to prescribe that you eat certain foods and certain patterns.
This includes a certain amount of simple carbohydrates before your workout and a certain amount of protein and complex carbohydrates after your workout.
Of course, the workout is the determining factor on how much of which macronutrient and how many calories. But I do provide general rules at the end of the video
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